jeudi 16 août 2018

Marathon animé, Festival d'un jour

In april, I went back to Valence to be part of the "Marathon animé", organized by l'Equipée at the Cartoucherie.

Here is the compilation of the 8 movies we made in a week, mine starts at 1 minute and 44 seconds.

The project is simple: every year, a group of animators creates several films based on a theme, a sound, a music...
This year, we went to Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval and had to make a movie using a song by a band named Les Facteurs Chevaux. This construction is categorized as an "art brut/outsider art" place : it was built by a mailman in the beginning of the century, who collects stones one by one on his way to work his whole life long.

Everything was animated on an Ipad Pro, using an application called Animate, and I tried to recreate a "sand animation" effect, using an aerograph. Each frame took ages to draw, that's why I mostly used cross fade effects between each image :D

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